How to Grow A Pineapple from the Crown

how to grow a pineapple

If you happen to have a pineapple laying around or if you're going to the grocery store to buy one, even if you just ate a pineapple and have nothing left but the crown. Or someone gave you a leftover pineapple or crown... You could learn how to grow a pineapple. Learning how to grow a pineapple plant is easier than you think. Let's look at how it's done.

Why Heirloom Tomatoes Are Better

Heirloom tomatoes

Heirloom tomatoes can be found readily at your local farmers market, co-op, or Amish produce stand, and come in a wide variety of colors, shapes, sizes, levels of acidity, and places of origin. These simple facts make choosing an heirloom tomato over those glossy franken-maters sold at the supermarket a good choice. Let's look at a few reasons why that is true.